flow-types from react object
This won’t work;
import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
This will;
import React from 'react';
import type { Node } from 'react';
enzyme render
wrap updates in act
To prepare a component for assertions, wrap the code rendering it and performing updates inside an
call. This makes your test run closer to how React works in the browser.
cannot find module @babel/runtime
mocking react-router
Use hooks and mock them instead;
jest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({
useParams: () => ({
myRoute: 'some-route-value',
hot reload
is redux dead? (no)
Redux maintainer Mark Erikson answers a number of questions about the future of Redux
browser file access
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
export default () => {
const fileUpload = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const exportQuestions = () => {
const fileName = 'questions.json';
const fileToSave = new Blob([JSON.stringify(questions, null, 4)], {
type: 'application/json',
saveAs(fileToSave, fileName);
const importQuestions = () => {
if (null !== fileUpload.current) {
const file = fileUpload.current.files![0];
if (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
reader.onload = (evt: ProgressEvent<FileReader>) => {
if ( && typeof === "string") {
return (
onChange={() => importQuestions()}
style={{ display: 'none' }}
set interval hook
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
console.log("This will run every second!");
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
Performance optimizations are not free. They ALWAYS come with a cost but do NOT always come with a benefit to offset that cost.
Therefore, optimize responsibly.
When to useMemo and useCallback by Kent C. Dodds
If the only reason why you want to extract your inline functions in props into useCallback is to avoid re-renders of children components: don’t. It doesn’t work.
How to write Performant React code: rules, patterns, do’s and don’ts by Nadia Makarevich